art A tightly boarded up cottage near Rosnakill, Co Donegal.
A perfect project "fixer" for a retiring American.
Music: The Old Rambler

The Singing Pubs of Ramelton

In the pubs we listened to songs sung beautifully in the night
Your lips were wide with smile and your eyes were very bright
The songs brought back forgotten memories
And in-between we exchanged gentle pleasantries
Singing loudly we walked home past mostly darkened panes
Unaffected by the wetness of the recent and reoccurring rains
These are some of the magic moments that we share
Our sleepy senses awakened by the coolness of the air
We lay our heads on softened pillows encouraging the nightly dreams
The Lennon Festival was more fun the ever or that is how it seems

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Email Philip A. Terry for More Details
I will gladly make you an original painting and poem that fits my style and your needs.

All images contained herein are for viewing only and under the exclusive copyright of the artist. Phil Terry © 1997-2012